
Pay for a great Website and get it out then add more to it later

I suggest having a company that builds websites build yours.
You do what you do for a living and let a professional to what they do.

No short cuts here.
I have spent a few hundred on a cheap website and ended up having
to pay someone else to build me another. At some point or another
I figured it has to be easy to build a website. I have used Go-daddy
or yahoo and tried but the last time I did this I had a floating stick
man on the screen.

What you do for a living is how you make your money. Don't buy a
website kit or a book. It just isn't worth it. You have a great
business to build not a website. Do not try to lower costs by having a
friend build your website for you. The visitors will see it and think
your on a shoestring. Spend at least $2,000.00 on a good website.

Now I may the minimum price on a website. My first website cost
me $2500.00 and lasted eight years. The next was E-Commerce in
an Open OS format and it is search friendly. This is the one
I still use and it has lasted eight years. I doubt I would ever change
It again.

I have been quoted between $1200.00 to $8,000.00 to re-create it.
It has been more than worth it. You will end up having a few built
in your career so don’t waste time and money on a cheap website. I
have found a website builder that will build a site that has 3 to 5
pages for $500.00. This company will build a site as good as mine
for just under a grand. It seems that those that work for a bigger
business charge higher prices yet a small company charges much
less. This is true I suppose in most businesses. I will put a sample
link to their offerings and that if anyone is interested you will have
the opportunity to contact me and I will forward your information
to them and you can begin the process to get yourself an awesome
website at a great price. Go with a web designer that will build it
as you need it. Get what you need and nothing more. Do not waste
any effort on music. Odds are most visitors will not like your music
and did not come for music so you will lose them in seconds. Flashing
lights and spinning designs impress you not them Research your
competition and look at their web site. It is plain for a reason. You
are not promoting your web designer so don't.

You want an easy site to navigate and to find your products. Be
brief and to the point. You will have only a few seconds to get a
new customer’s attention. Load speed must be super fast. No one
has any free time so a web site that loads slow will not be successful.

No one has time anymore. I search the web and if a website takes more
than a few seconds to load. I am gone. It reminds me of sitting on
hold on the phone.