
Domain Name your company name? Buy it quick!

The name of your new company will come to you. Buy the domain name right away.

I began to search for a domain a second website. I took out a notebook and went to Network Solutions to begin my work. I wrote down computer store then computer lab then computer knowledge then computer Atlanta then on and on and on. Always use one notebook so that you do not  duplicate your effort. A few days later I returned to my search and on the web I saw super computer warehouse and thought hmm.

I began the computer this and computer that and found that computer parts warehouse was available. I right then and there took out my American Express and bought
I still own it and it is at this time set up to be a blog. Here it is.

Cost me $10.00 for year. I then moved on and began checking all the combinations I could think of concerning the same groups words.

An hour later I had IBM parts
Dell parts
Lexmark parts
HP Laser

I ended my section with I was happy with the domain names.

So whatever your business is write a few words then at Go-Daddy is the easiest to search for names and I search and buy them there.

I then reduce that page and type in Go-Daddy Coupons. I read the current deals then reduce that page and begin filling my shopping cart. Once I see that I am up to about $30 to $75.00 dollars I reduce the page and look at the coupon page. I copy the coupon numbers into the spot at the bottom where it states "update" shopping cart and I work this for five minutes until I have it at the lowest price I can get it.

Bought ten more domains yesterday (March 1st, 2010) and used the coupons off fat wallet to save 20%. Brought my cost down to $6.99 per URL for a year. Not bad since most people pay what it totals. 

I do not request anything else. I do not care. I go for one year and let people see that I beat them to it. I don't want email and that's that. I pay them then let them sit.

A couple of months later I thought when the elections were coming up hmm. I found then I bought a group using those combinations of words.

Three years earlier I bought and then I bought a domain names so I have .info .org .biz and so on.
I finished the group with and so on.

Alright I made an error. No one is perfect darn it. I tried to rocket my website to number one a few months ago. Yes a few months ago. It had to appear somewhere and I wanted to to go to the top as everyone.
I made a tiny error and sent World Who Stand for up. Well I failed to add the plural the tiny s at the end of the word stand. So a tiny error. Well if you search on world who stands for what my website is on the first page out of 30 million or so. I forget you can look if your curious. My world who stands for what is sitting a tad bit lower on the page of course it is a different search and the correct one is down a few lines but on the first page and this is out of 303 million. Now I think it is the other way around but I messed up anyway.

I just checked and mine is number two regardless of which term you search.

I have a hundred domain names. I have tried the parking method to make money and I haven't made a dime so I don't let them do anything with them either. I let them sleep.

I tried to buy special ones that have to do with computers such as data recovery service Los Angeles or data recovery service Atlanta, The ones that have to do with DUI Atlanta, IRS and tax attorney I'd rather not those people come to my website Just kidding I'd rather stick to the computer or Political ones or even looking for Donate your car.

Buying domains, domain search, domain appraisals, domain parking, domain email, domain parking, domain websites, buying domains and selling domains just be careful.

I have them at yahoo small business and at Network Solutions. Go-daddy has a deal where as if you move your domains to Go-Daddy they take them for $6.99 and extend the annual date by a year and include it in the price. So I would buy them where ever and just before the year is up move them to Go-Daddy for $6.99 and they will give a year for that price. I do not think there is a better deal out there for a year. Remember to check the coupon page just before you agree to the charge.

In summary use one notebook spiral ring so you can not remove pages. Always use this one notebook. One section all your search words.
Ask a friend or wife anyone to tell you words of how they would find your business on the web. They will think of terms that you never will. Write them down.
Good luck hunting!
Thank You.