
Computer Recycle R2 and ISO Certifications

I run into various people and those I like and believe in I try my best to guide business they're way. On a few posts I have written here and on other blogs I own I tell the story of buying a used Honda CRV in Atlanta. Now I'm shifting gears to Computer Recycle R2 and ISO Certifications.

I have met a consultant that prices are super reasonable and the process is on steroids. In the past in Atlanta R2 certified consultants are everywhere and the prices range from $7000.00 to $20,000.00. The process takes from three months to one year.

You have to weigh everything in and weigh everything out. You must account for all the weight. Mainly proving by record keeping that all went to buyers or re-sellers or sold on Ebay but not in a landfill. that is pretty much it. The  ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 is pretty much the health and safety. Use your legs not your back when picking something up. Steal toe shoes and signs everywhere. Safety kits here and there. 

A computer that sells to brokers or on Ebay buys 250 desktops or laptops or routers or dell phones whatever. Weigh all the equipment in. Sell anything off the two pallets of gear in that package then weigh what left. So let's say 1650.00 pounds in. Shipped a desktop sold on Ebay weighed 14 pounds. Subtract 14 lbs from the 1650 pounds and you still have 1636 pounds of potential electronic waste.

Cost of a Consultant Somewhere between $7000.00 and $20,000.00
Cost of inspection, audits and first year dues. $6,000.00
Time the entire process takes. 90 days to 365 days.

I can get it done for you for a reasonable price. Depends on how many employees and how big your building is. If you are a small business two employees and under two thousand square feet I'm guessing the consultants fees will be about $14,000.00 and these people will get it done in 90 days. The 14 grand is for the consultant. The dues and fees will still be about six grand. 

Thank you      Tell them Bob sent you. Please