
Learn the way do it this for yourself Cost is $50.00 one time fee

I charge $50.00 per person or business for me to tell you how to boost your own business to number one or at least to the first or second page. I will email you how to search for the proper keywords and the exact correct website and show you exactly how to do the SEO game. It is easy if you know the two or three steps that must be taken. Then there is a website that you pay to boost it up yourself. I will not be involved and I will not have to. Once the payment has been made to me then as soon as the credit card or paypal payment clears and the money is in the bank then I will send background and I do it for myself all the time. You can too. You most likely can do a better job at it then I can. Imagine once you pay the $50.00 then you can boost your website to the first page for about a hundred dollars. Search this on Yahoo or Google. computer surplus
Computer Parts Warehouse
My business is number one and has been for over eight yes 8 years. Send the $50.00 payment to using paypal.

Thank you