
Website Analysis. Meta Tags Keywords and Descriptions.

I know just enough to help you and that is it. I am not technical. I will not buy an HTML book because I just don't want to spend the few months trying to understand more than I need to. I suggest the same for you. Concentrate on your business and then get these things fixed on your website. I will explain in detail what you need to do. I'd hire an HTML engineer to fix or update a page on my website. They can do in minutes what may take me days. My website was written in   open source and is search friendly.

All I am trying to do here is explain how to cause a natural rising in the ranks of your website. This will not get you to number one but it will get it up higher than it is now.The cost is zero..

I call it the sweet spot. All web sites have a sweet spot. it may not be on the first page but it is there. What you do is right click on any web site and move the mouse down the page to the "view Source". Then click on "View Source".

As an example lets go to Southern Living magazine. Here is the link that will open in a separate page. Southern Living Alright now move that page off to the side and near the top where it states SOUTHERN LIVING right click and the mouse down to view page source and click it. Now we can see what they have used for their Meta Tags. You are looking for Meta Name keywords and description. You can see what they use as their keywords. Once you find the sweet spot on any website what I recommend is to right click on that data and paste it to a word or text document. Label the file website keywords. Now what you'll need to do it go to all your competitors and out what their keywords are. 
DO NOT PRINT THE ENTIRE FILE you will be horrified to find out it is a trillion pages long. Just copy what I have instructed you to copy and paste in on a document and save it. I copied it to a page then I put a head Southern Living. I go to the next site and on and on and on. Just copy and paste your brains out. Once you have that done next week we go to our next step. Determine your competition keywords and descriptions.
Have fun,