
Let a Pro build your website and the right month to open your business

Let a Pro build your website and you work on your business. This will get your attention on what is important. I know of a small business that has just started and they are already in financial trouble. Not managing sales, advertising and they have no Internet website as of yet. They are depending on flyer's and Craig's list advertising to keep afloat. A low cost $599 site is all they needed. I will tell you more of the errors in the past three months of their start up.Timing is also a big deal. Starting a business at the beginning of the summer greatly reduced their inflow of students. School is out and no one is thinking about taking classes. It is beach time or vacation time..They had planned it but never considered the date they opened for business.
Having their opening a month or two earlier would have been all the difference in the world. Starting either a couple months before school got out or a month after school had begun would have made all the difference in the world for this onebusiness. Do not open a day in the summer, do not open a travelbusiness one school is out. It is too late some in some businesses timing is everything.

Selling ski gear in the summer is a looser. Start ads in the early fall and your business will be rocking in the winter. Opening day in the winter by the time you get it running it will be too late. Put it off for the best time of the year or you'll fail before you have even had a chance.
Thank you